New Years Day 2017

New Years Day 2017

As some may have read, I’ll be moving most of my posting of personal blog-type material here to the website, and taking advantage of Facebook mainly for music and tv/film project promotions.  There’s a nice message video up on the facebook page if you’re so inclined to see it that was posted earlier today.

It was a typical / normal day – some cleaning/errands, juggling, etc, but with a few exceptions…planning on not smoking past today and making a conscious decision to walk away from active social media for a 6 month period to work on “me” and things…

But tonight I thought, after toasting the typical champagne, and going to bed alone at 12:30 because of schedules..

I wish everyone the best in 2017, I truly do.

I’m going to be quieter in the coming year.  Because I have a lot to say and when I speak, I want the words that I say to have some weight, so when I do speak, I actually want to be heard by those around me, and for there to be an interest in what I have to say…. so perhaps if the words are fewer & further between, there might be some anticipation about in which context they lay…

Again, just a thought but it might be a worthwhile lane to examine…

I’ll also be turning off the facebook posting capability of the website, but I wanted to invite you to subscribe to the site as well.

Again, best of everything for the year to all-

